- Equip Anything Glitch Item Stats by KilayeJV
- Damage and Hit Calculator by TheLCC
- Jidoor Auction Manipulation by Nitrodon
- Map Warp info by TheLCC (needs more info/expansion)
More https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/final_fantasy_vi_working_on_an_improved_ss_route_19.html
- RAM Watches for Snes9x 1.51 v7
- Battle Mechanics/Algorithms Guide by Terii Senshi (Not 100% accurate and missing small bits of info, but mostly good)
- FF6 Hacking website, has useful mapping/editting tools etc
- Monster attack guide by Dessyreqt
- Final Fantasy 6 XP/GP/AP chart by Dessyreqt
- LUA Script (Works with Snes9x 1.51 v7) by Dessyreqt
- Magic Power table by Dessyreqt
- Floating Continent encounter rates by Dessyreqt
- MasterZED’s FF6 Site (Old)
How Easy is it to perform a “Run Away” based on their stats (High is Faster)

If you perform the Googles Glitch and Menu Merge and select an item below, what would be the effect or doing so.

Some Misc Information regarding Guest characters and their equipment.